Numerical Methods and Applications (NMA)
NMA is a research group interested in the development, analysis and implementation of numerical methods to solve problems at the dynamic interface between mathematics, science/engineering and high performance scientific computing.
Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINN) for Partial Differential Equations
Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs) are a scientific machine learning technique used to solve problems involving Partial Differential Equations (PDEs). Essentially, PINNs approximate PDE solutions by training a neural network to minimize a loss function. This novel mesh-free methodology has emerged as a powerful technique to solve a wide range of PDE problems, including fractional equations, integral differential equations, and stochastic PDEs. In this project, we propose the study/development of some aspects of this approach.

Contact: (either or both)
Pedro González (
Víctor Bayona (
Compressed sensing for imaging
Although the role of Mathematics is not much appreciated in the new imaging technologies used in modern medicine, Mathematics is at the heart of these technologies that provide detailed anatomical information in all different types of tissue. Examples include X-ray Computed Tomography (CT), Positron Emission Tomography (PET), Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), as well as new photo and thermoacoustic imaging techniques. On the other hand, medical imaging data have an associated cost and, hence, it is desirable to minimize the amount of data needed for imaging. For this reason, the new ideas developed for Compressive Sensing, that is able to produce high quality images with less data, has attracted much interest in the biomedical community. In this project, we propose to explore these ideas that can help reduce the cost of imaging and, at the same time, can improve the quality of the produced images.

Contact: Miguel Moscoso (
Inverse problems
While direct problems consist in calculating the effects of known causes, an inverse problem is the process of calculating from a set of observations the causal factors that produced them. There are interesting inverse problems in medical imaging, geophysics, astronomy, machine learning, etc... each one with different characteristics. Also, there is a wide spectrum of mathematical techniques that are used to solve them. This project focuses on the analyses, study and development of the existing techniques.

Contact: Pedro González (
Probabilistic algorithms for high performance computing (HPC)
Realistic mathematical applications are so computationally costly that they can only be tackled by supercomputers with hundreds or thousands of concurrent processors. Taking full advantage of the parallelisation scope of those machines requires highly scalable algorithms. In our group, a novel paradigm based on stochastic calculus, which is free from "Amdahl's curse", is currently being developed. This topic combines differential equations with stochastic numerics and parallel programming, and offers the chance of learning CUDA for programming NVidia GPUs.

RBF methods for nonlinear elliptic problems
Many problems in applied maths, such as wave scattering or fluid-structure interaction, can be modeled by nonlinear elliptic equations. The RBF meshless method, owing to its unique advantages---such as ease of coding and geometric flexibility---furnishes a particularly suitable approach, and very hot, to solving those applications.

Contact: Francisco Bernal (
Monte Carlo methods for financial mathematics
Monte Carlo methods have become the keystone of mathfin, ranging from relatively simple, yet high-dimensional problems such a Black-Scholes European option, to options over complex swing contracts that call for sophisticated stochastic optimal control. Besides option valuation, statistical calibration of stochastic models is an equally interesting area, and even quantifying the cost of the uncertainty borne by the calibrated parameters. Even the mathematical algorithms themselves are often of interest to the industry, since in this context time (to solution) is literally money.

Contact: Francisco Bernal (
Semi-Lagrangian methods for transport equations with applications to geophysical flows
The Semi-Lagrangian (SL) method is a powerful and widely-used numerical technique for solving transport equations, particularly in fluid mechanics. Known for its unconditional stability, this method offers excellent phase speed accuracy with minimal numerical dispersion, making it ideal for stable integrations even with large timesteps and Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy (CFL) numbers greater than one.
One of the key strengths of SL schemes is their ability to be coupled with semi-implicit (SI) time discretization methods, effectively merging the advantages of both Lagrangian and Eulerian approaches. In SL schemes, advection is handled in a Lagrangian manner, while the transported fields are remapped onto a fixed grid at each timestep. This approach minimizes the grid distortion commonly associated with purely Lagrangian methods, enabling more accurate computations of physical processes over time.
In this project, we will explore the application of SL schemes for tracer transport, with applications to geophysical flows.

Contact: Víctor Bayona (
Mimetic Approximations for Divergence-Free and Curl-Free Vector Field Approximation
Approximating vector fields from scattered samples is a critical problem across numerous scientific disciplines, including fluid dynamics, electromagnetics, and computer graphics. Often, these vector fields must satisfy certain differential invariants that arise from fundamental physical principles. For example, in incompressible fluid dynamics, the fluid’s velocity field must be divergence-free (div-free) due to mass conservation. Similarly, in electromagnetics, the electric field is curl-free in the absence of a time-varying magnetic field, reflecting energy conservation.
To accurately enforce these differential properties in approximations, one cannot simply approximate the field components independently; instead, the components must be combined in a manner that respects the underlying mathematical structure. Approaches like Helmholtz-Hodge decomposition and custom vector basis functions have been developed to address this challenge.
In this project, we will explore these techniques for vector field approximation, focusing on their ability to preserve physical invariants. The goal is to analyze their effectiveness in different scientific and engineering applications, assessing their utility in real-world scenarios.

Contact: Víctor Bayona (
Numerical Study of the Incompressible Stokes Problem
This project investigates numerical solutions for the incompressible Stokes equations, which are essential for modeling slow-moving, viscous fluid flows at low Reynolds numbers. These equations are foundational in simulating fluid behavior in scenarios such as highly viscous environments and microfluidics.
The focus of the project will be on developing and analyzing numerical methods to achieve stable and accurate solutions, with particular emphasis on fluid dynamics applications. By assessing and refining existing computational approaches, the goal is to enhance the simulation of incompressible flows, offering improvements relevant to both engineering and scientific applications.

Contact: Víctor Bayona (